يهنئ الموقع المسلمين السنّة في أنحاء العالم بعيد الفطر المبارك، وندعو الله أن يرفع عن المسلمين الغمة في كلّ مكان، وأن يرفع العدوان عن غزة
Dr.Tariq Articles
The world leaders: Obama-Harper, Axes of Evil, Hearts of Stone!
I am in real doubt and am completely hesitant to accept the saying that the likes of Obama-Harper leaders are actually humans. They might have faces noses arms digestive system and so on but being humans No I doubt it.
Being human is more than having organs in a specific system inside a body of flesh and blood. It is about the heart
Against Aggression!
I speak against Aggression against killing innocent people against genocide against injustice against every inhumane action which only animals would condone here in Canada or anywhere on earth to Muslims or non-Muslims.
What is happening in Gaza strip is aggression inhumane injustice genocide and brutal cold-blooded murder of innocent civilians.
In whose name those kids and women and elderly are
Stephen Harper –Associate of the Assassin
Before I commence with the subject of this article I have to mention that soon enough thanks to Bill C24 I will be a second-rated citizen of Canada. After spending 25 years of my life and having two of my kids born in this country I will not be a “regular” citizen as I wasn’t born on this soil! I am scared of anticipating
My wars are over!
It has been so long since I started working 42 years ago this month. Forty two years since I faced reality the world as it is on the ground without the shield of family and parents. It has been too many fights problems ups and downs confrontations losing and winning whatever it means. But in all cases a part
Between Al-Hijab and Al-Niqab
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
I was asked in various occasions to elaborate on the matter of wearing Hijab as opposed to Niqab for Muslim Women. This is how I see this matter and how I interpret the evidence for both arguments. Finally I stated my conclusion.
The main Verses that talk about Hijab in Quran are
Surat Al-Nour 24-31
“Shock and Awe” for the Western Policy in the Middle East
It is evident that the sweeping uprising of the people of the Arab countries all over the Middle East has put the traditional Western policy in general and the US policy in particular in a state of “Shock and Awe”.
For decades the traditional pragmatic policy of the West had been to support the dictatorship régimes of the rich oil countries in the region. It has been
Pentagon Places Its Bet On a General in Egypt - (May Allah protect Us)
By ELISABETH BUMILLERPublished March 10 2011
WASHINGTON — The chief of staff of the Egyptian armed forces Lt. Gen. Sami Hafez Enan had just finished breakfast at the Ritz-Carlton in Pentagon City with two old American friends — one a former head of Central Command the other a top defense official — when he got a call that the Egyptian Army was going into the streets of
Our Creed
Our Creed... Praise be to Allah
O Allah we seek refuge in You from disbelief or association in any shape or form big and small and from any innovation in anyway big or small and we ask for Your forgiveness and repent to you from any sins major and minor. We clear ourselves in order to be saved from Your punishment and be protected in your
Injustice in Canada
Injustice in Canada
The Toronto 18 “Terror” case
Six years ago my son; Shareef has been arrested for participating in an alleged terrorist attack which was completely staged and provided for by the Canadian Intelligence Agencies using a couple of spies; an Egyptian ethiest called Shaher El-Souhaimy شاهر السهيمي من عائلة السهيمى التي اصلها من الإسكندرية، وفرعها في تورونتو and a Pakistani drug addict called Mubin Sheik.
Ahlul Sunnah's Understanding of al-Qada'a wal Qadar 1:
Ahlul Sunnah s Understanding of al-Qada a wal Qadar 1
A Reply to a Confused Aqida (Part I)
Wednesday 30 June 2004 00 00 Dr. Tariq AbdelHaleem
Recently one of my students presented me with a set of documents by a person whose name is Shabir Ally after a student of Ilm in the Toronto area issued a fatwa forbidding people form praying behind him. I was dismayed by
Revival of Sunnah: Islamic Guide to Attending Ahlul Bida'a Gatherings
Revival of Sunnah Islamic Guide to Attending Ahlul Bida a Gatherings
Sunday 26 December 2004 00 00 Dr Tariq AbdelHaleem
In this article we will show through clear evidence that it is forbidden (Haram) to attend gatherings that promote Bida’a among Muslims and those guests who fear Allah should not participate in such events.
The Correct Basis for Unity
Contrary to the common belief it is not the
Yes to Unity ... No to Bida'a
Yes to Unity ... No to Bida a
Thursday 15 April 2004 00 00 Dr. Tariq AbdelHaleem
A scientific approach to the unity issue
A question that always arises in the minds of sincere Muslims is shouldn t all Muslims unite in the face of the existing dangers? This is even more relevant due to the tragic events taking place all over the world militarily economically and socially. Of course
Bida'a, Can It Be Good?
Bida a Can It Be Good?
Monday 19 April 2004 00 00 Dr. Tariq AbdelHaleem
Praise be to Allah
This article aims at addressing two main points
1. Is there what is referred to as Bida a Hasana بدعة حسنة or Good Innovation ?
2. How do we categorize the actions of Umar about collecting the Quran and other actions that he and the companions did that appear to follow
The Bida'a of Irja'a and Murji'ah
The Bida a of Ijra a and Murji ah
Tuesday 20 April 2004 00 00 Dr. Tariq AbdelHaleem Translated by Hani Abid
Hastiness is a common characteristic in humans. How would it not be when The Creator SWT said “for man was ever hasty”[1]. Then Allah SWT bestowed His favor onto the believers by directing their rash nature to a meaning though rooted in hastiness; that spurs goodness
Bida’a in islam misconceptions and explanations
Saturday 31 December 2005 00 00
Dr. Tariq AbdelHaleem
Reply to a Question regarding common doubts about people of Bidaa
This article was written in response to a question forwarded to us in regards to some of the common doubts that people of Bidaa always flag
Salamu Alykum Br in Islam
This text you have sent me to examine carries pure misguidance and a well known
The anniversary of the “Revival of Innovation Spirit”
In the name of Allah most Gracious Most Merciful
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon the best of His creation the seal of Prophet hood the Last Messenger Mohammad peace be upon him and upon all those who follow his path to the Last Day
It has been a year since the issuance of the Fatwa regarding the attendance of the conference called “Revival of the
Tareq Suwaidan and Women Khalifas!!
The “Story Teller” chips in!In the last conference of Bida a Tareq Suwaidan a famous face of the Ikhwan Movement contributed to and asserted the approach that shapes the American attack on Islam in the West the women s issue. He claimed that women can be appointed as Khalifas! He twisted the Hadith of Al-Boukhari which states “People who take a woman as their leader will